
【综合新华社及新西兰天维网6月15日新闻报道】第三届大洋洲中文教师大会15日在新西兰奥克兰举行,百余名来自澳大利亚、新西兰和部分南太平洋岛国的汉语老师齐聚一堂,讨论汉语教学的经验和方法,为进一步推动大洋洲汉语教学建言献策。本次会议由新西兰中文教师协会(NZCLTA)、奥克兰孔子学院和新西兰教育部Future Learning Solutions语言中心联合举办。


中国驻奥克兰总领馆肖业文副总领事、中国驻新西兰大使馆董志学教育参赞,新西兰国会议员杨健博士,以及奥克兰孔子学院院长姚载瑜在大会的开幕式上致辞。 肖业文副总领事在发言中说,近年来中国与大洋洲国家之间的交流不断深入,双方在教育、科技和文化领域的合作成果显著。这些都离不开长期在汉语教学领域辛勤工作的老师们的努力。他希望中文教师们能够充分利用大会的平台,切磋海外中文教育的经验,从而为中国与新西兰、中国与大洋洲地区的人文交流与合作做出更大贡献。




Message for subject association:

Some of you won’t have caught up with this, but the Minister made an announcement yesterday about the future shape of PLD, and work with subject associations and other professional groupings is in there, but it’s all pretty nebulous at this stage. Angela went to a meeting prior to the release, and says that the intention is to consult with subject association about ways of working. Pauline Barnes, who was at the subject association forum earlier this year, was the Ministry official at the meeting, so she must be in charge of steering it I think.

The Minister’s announcement is at http://www.scoop.co.nz/stories/PA1509/S00391/pld-changes-will-lift-student-achievement.htm When we learn more detail, we’ll let you know. (Next year is a rollover of the current contracts, so this all starts to come into play the year after next.)

I have muttered things around here about the bad experiences that some subject associations had in working with the MOE in contracting relationships through the alignment project, and I’m told yes, we know that, we’ll try to make sure it’s better this time! How much of it will turn out to be contracts to deliver something the Ministry has decided is a priority, and how much of it will be money to build your capability to do the PLD you do now but better is far from clear to me at this stage. I suppose it will become clearer!


Judie Alison Ph.D.

Advisory Officer (Professional Issues)

NZ Post Primary Teachers' Association


Local Chinese Teacher Assistants The Confucius Institute in Auckland, in partnership with Hanban in China and Chinese Consulate General Office in Auckland is offering opportunities for native speakers of Mandarin to become Local Teacher Assistants (LTAs) to support schools in the development of their Chinese language and culture programmes. The LTAs will teach Chinese language and culture to students with the help of a New Zealand registered teacher or assist a lead Chinese language teacher in one or several schools in Auckland or wider region spanning from Northland to the Waikato. The successful applicants are expected to commit to an initial training programme in China and then an induction training and ongoing professional development in New Zealand with the potential to become a qualified Chinese language teacher. Opportunities are available for several successful applicants to begin work in the 2016 school year.  




The story of Chinese immersion day in Chch-17th of August

On Sunday 17th of August, nearly 300 students and parents attended the Chinese Immersion Day at Rewi Alley Chinese School in Christchurch. The Chinese Immersion Day was organized by New Zealand Chinese Language Teachers’ Association Canterbury, in cooperation with Rewi Alley Chinese School and Confucius Institute of Canterbury University.

17th of August was the first day of the International Language Week this year so the Chinese Immersion Day was a good start of the international language week. The event provided over twenty different Chinese language and culture activities for students from primary and secondary schools in Canterbury to participate. The culture activities were designed for students who have no prior learning of Chinese language while the language activities were designed for students who are currently learning Chinese language.

At two O’clock in the afternoon, all the attendants assembled in the school assembly hall for an official opening. We were very honored to have the presence of Chinese Consul General of Christchurch, Madam Tan Xiutian. We were also very fortunate to have the deputy chair of Wigram/Riccarton Community Board, the president of NZ China Friendship Society Canterbury Branch, the Education Director of Asia NZ Foundation to speak at this event. The sharing of their experiences of Chinese Language and culture has inspired the students to see the purpose of learning the language.

The guests, parents and students all enjoyed the day and gave congratulations on the success of the event. There is a strong demand for this event to be repeated in the future.